Apex Legends Scrims & Pro Scrims

Apex Legends is a brand new Battle Royale, but competitive players are already planning on how to become the best and conquer the game as the next Tfue of Apex Legends.

The best way to become better is by playing against the best players in the game. The way professional players in the Battle Royale genre do this is by participating in scrims and pro scrims.

If you do not know what a scrim or pro scrims are, it is recommended to check out our scrim guide.

What are Apex Legends scrims?

If you do not want to read a long guide, we will give you a short brief here. A scrim match (scrimmage) is a practice match against other players. Usually, it is when highly competitive and professional players play against each other. They do this to become better at the game and practice for tournaments.

You can also read about Apex Legends scrims here.

How to join Apex Legends scrims & pro scrims?

The game is still in its early stage, but scrim Discord servers have already popped up since there is no official support for making custom games. Hopefully, the game developer will support custom matchmaking or custom servers in the future, making the whole ordeal with scrims a lot easier.

For now, the way you can join scrims is by finding Apex Legends Discord servers where people meet up and join scrim games at the same time. See next section for more info on this.

Apex Legends Discord servers

We are in process of making a list of Apex Legends Discord servers where you can join for Apex related stuff and also join scrims and pro scrims.

For another list, we recommend you to check out Scrims.NET and their Apex Discord server list.

Apex Legends ScrimsAll – PC, Xbox, PlayStationEurope + AmericasNone so far+2,000Join Server
YoGaming – Only Apex DiscussionAll – PC, Xbox, PlayStationEurope + AmericasNone so far+30,000Join Server

If you have any comments or need help, then please feel free to leave a comment.

Also, if you want to optimize your settings, check out our best Apex Legends settings guide.

Other Guides

ProSettings Discords
The Ultimate Guide to Weapons in Apex Legends
How to Play Stretched Resolution in Apex Legends
Apex Legends In-Game FPS Counter
Apex Legends: Remove FPS Cap and Increase Frame Rates

Professional Players

Canada xQc Félix Lengyel
United States of America Tfue Turner Tenney
United States of America Seagull Brandon Larned
United States of America Ninja Richard Blevins
United States of America DrLupo Benjamin Lupo