Fortnite Custom Matchmaking Key

Use code GAMER in the item shop to support us - thank you <3 #ad

Fortnite has a feature called custom matchmaking, which was introduced some time ago. It is a feature that makes it easy for people to get into the same game/lobby in Fortnite Battle Royale. Without a custom matchmaking key, it is random who you are queued up with when you start a game of Battle Royale.

Custom matchmaking is intended for streamers, content creators and competitive players. Streamers can use it to have fun with viewers, while competitive players can practice in the same game and server.

Fortnite Custom Matchmaking Key

In the beginning, custom matchmaking was only used for larger tournaments that were officially affiliated with EPIC Games and Fortnite. Then later, a select group of people from the support-a-creator program got access, and later more people from the support-a-creator program were accepted.

Competitive players now entirely use custom keys for scrims and practice games. Whereas earlier, they had to try to get into the same games while doing scrims in Fortnite by queuing up at the same time.

Custom games have therefore made it a lot easier for professional and competitive players to practice and implement their own rules. If you want to read more on how you can join custom scrim games, we have made a guide on Fortnite Custom Scrims and Discord servers.

How to get access to custom matchmaking keys and custom games

Please note that the requirements might be subject to changes in the future. The requirements listed here are the information we currently have. In the future and we will try to stay updated and update the page as soon as we hear about any changes.

The requirements are fairly simple:

  1. Be an accepted creator with a support-a-creator code (EPIC games affiliate program).
  2. Have at least 100 people using your support-a-creator code.

So let’s go a little more in-depth with the requirements.

How to become part of the support-a-creator program

The official website, states that the following are eligible to participate in the support-a-creator program:

Creators (active video makers, streamers, storytellers, artists, cosplayers, musicians, and community builders) who meet the criteria below.

  • Has more than 1,000 followers on at least one major social platform (for example Twitter, YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, Facebook, Mixer, etc.).
  • Completes the Affiliate Agreement and abides by the Creator Code of Conduct.
  • Is capable of receiving payment in a form that Epic supports (among others they support PayPal).

If you are accepted into the creator program, you will receive a support-a-creator code (SAC code).

This can be used to create affiliate links for various games, but specifically for Fortnite, people can also put in your creator code in the Fortnite item shop. Creators will then receive 5$ every time someone spends 10,000 V-bucks in-game with the code.

If you find this article useful, you can support ProSettings by using code GAMER in the item shop. Example of support a creator code input:

Support A Creator

Previously you had to have a minimum amount of people using your code to get accepted to start custom games. Back then the magic number of people using your code, was around 100 people.

You can follow your supporters and earnings via the affiliate dashboard. Please note that EPIC Games strictly forbid anyone to talk about how much they earned through the creator program.

How to use custom matchmaking keys

You have been lucky enough to be accepted into the support-a-creator program, and people are now using your code. If you have not already received an email about you got access to custom matchmaking, try to send EPIC games a support ticket and ask them for access.

If you want to start a custom matchmaking, you need to click on game mode and then “Custom Options” in the lower right corner of the screen. You can then fill in a code you decide on and start the game. This will open up the queue.

Everyone else can join the game in the same way you create the game, by going to “Custom Options” and type in the same code. When there are enough people, the custom host clicks on “Start Game” and everyone will be put into the same server lobby.

Fortnite Custom Matchmaking How To

To get into the same game, make sure that you have the same options as the custom host.

  • You have selected the same server region in the in-game settings (Examples of regions are EU, NA East, NA West, Oceania, Brazil, Asia).
  • You have selected the correct game mode (Solo, Duo, Squad, Arena Solo, Arena Duo, or an LTM mode).
  • That you have typed in the same custom matchmaking key.

We hope this guide has helped you in learning more about custom matchmaking.

If you are interested in competitive Fornite, you should check out our list of professional Fortnite players, their settings and gear.

Discord Servers for Fortnite Custom Games, Custom Scrims, Custom Tournaments & more

We made a small list of popular Discord servers that are hosting custom games, custom scrims, custom tournaments, or related to Fortnite.

This is the ProSettings Discord. This Discord server do not host custom games.
+10,000Join Discord server
Yo GamingAllAllNone+50,000Join Discord server
Fortnite LFGAllAllNone+10,000Join Discord server
1Tap EsportsAllAllNone+15,000Join Discord server
Fortnite Custom ScrimsAllEU + NANone+230,000Join Discord server
Fornite Creative Games

Note: Creative games like Zone Wars and Turtle Wars

AllEU + NANone+25,000Join Discord server
Fortnite TournamentsAllAllNone+50,000Join Discord server
Atlantis ScrimsAllEuropeNone+200,000Join Discord server
FNPL / FN Pro LeagueAllNANone+200,000Join Discord server

If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment below.

Other Guides

Fortnite Looking For Group Discord
ProSettings Discords
Fortnite Customs
How to Play Stretched Resolution in Fortnite
Fortnite Custom Games

Professional Players

United States of America GhostNinja Nick K/D ratio: 6.15 Win rate: 25.77%
United States of America Aydan Aydan Conrad K/D ratio: 4.72 Win rate: 9.60%
United States of America summit1g Jaryd Lazar K/D ratio: 4.72 Win rate: 9.60%
United States of America Reverse2k Carlos K/D ratio: 0.88 Win rate: 0.74%
United States of America Boss Brennan Amiott K/D ratio: 0.88 Win rate: 0.74%