Best FPS Aim Trainers for Increased Mouse Accuracy

In this guide, we will look at how to get a better aim with some of the best aim trainers available on the market, and also look into the question of whether or not using an aim trainer is worth it.

If you do not know what an 3D FPS aim trainer is, it simply is a way to train and practice your aim for a specific FPS game you play (FPS stands for First Person Shooter).

Many popular professional players like Tfue, Mongraal, and many others are known to actively use aim trainers to improve their aim.

They also work great to warm up your aim before you go into important matches, matchmaking games or tournaments.

Please note, that some of this guide will be focused towards Fortnite aim training, but the aim trainers can be used for all FPS games or games where a good aim is required.

Best FPS Aim Trainer Guide

Practice Aiming – is it important?

Whether you have just started a new FPS game, or you are one of the best players in the world, one of the most important skills is fast and accurate aiming. Not only is it one of the most important skills to learn and perfect, but it is also one of the most overlooked, especially when you’re trying to improve at a game.

We’ve all been there. You’ve started a game, put in hundreds of hours and found yourself unable to improve any further. No matter how hard you try, you just cannot get to that next level of play to beat your competitors. No matter what FPS game you are playing, Fortnite, Overwatch, CS:GO, Apex Legends, PUBG, it is vital that you can eliminate your opponents with perfect accuracy before they get a chance to shoot back.  And if your aim improves enough, and you spend enough time perfecting this skill, every shot will be perfect allowing you to beat even the best.

FPS Aim Trainers

After going through many different aim trainers, it is clear that some stand out above the rest.

This is some of the most well-known and well regarded FPS aim trainers available:

  • KovaaK’s FPS Aim Trainer (€9.99)
  • Aim Hero (€4.99)
  • (free)
  • 3D Aim Trainer (free)

We will go over these aim trainers in the following sections.

How to use FPS Aim Trainers (with options)

KovaaK’s FPS Aim Trainer

Can be purchased and installed from the Steam Store:

It costs around €9.99 / £7.19 as a one time purchase.

Go to game options and change the following values:


  • Sensitivity Scale – Select your game
  • Horizontal Sensitivity – Enter your in-game sensitivity
  • Vertical Sensitivity locked to Horizontal – Uncheck if you use different sens. for X and Y sensitivities
  • FOV Measurement – Select your game, if it is not there use Clamped Horizontal
  • FOV – If you are playing Fortnite, set to 80


  • Hide weapons – Checked
  • You can edit your crosshair here


  • Video Mode – Fullscreen
  • Resolution – The resolution you are using, e.g. 1920×1080 (or if you use stretched resolution)
  • V-Sync – Unchecked

There are a few very good maps to use. For flicking there is “Jumbo Tile Frenzy” and “Reflex Flick” which has an easy, medium and hard difficulty. It is recommended that you start at a map scale of 1, which is found at the bottom of the session manager on the right of the screen. You can then increase the map scale to make the targets smaller. For tracking, there is “Ascended Tracking” which comes in two main variants. There is “Ascended Tracking v3” which features a very fast fire rate, designed solely to improve your tracking aim, and “Ascended Tracking FN AR v2” which features a slower fire rate. Finally, there is “Cata IC Fast Strafes” which I have found to be the best in improving tracking aim.

The best method to improve your flicking aim will vary based on your skill, however, there is a very efficient approach that will work for all skill levels, and which can be adapted towards how easy you find it. To do this, go to “Reflex Flick – Easy” and select free play. Then change the Map Scale to 1. Once you hit 25 shots in a row without missing (sometimes the targets can spawn outside of the map, so just ignore these) increase the Map Scale by 0.25, which will make the targets smaller. Once you reach 6 and you can consistently hit every shot, your flicking aim is almost perfect, and you should start to focus on your tracking aim.

Aim Hero

Can also be purchased and installed from the Steam store:

It costs around €4.99 / £3.99 as a one time purchase.

To set up Aim Hero, got to the options on the main menu and change the following:

Mouse Sensitivity

  • Game – Select the game you want to improve at
  • Mouse Sensitivity – Change this to your sensitivity


  • Here you can customize your crosshair
  • It is recommended to set the spread to 0


  • Use Custom Resolution – Tick this and set the resolution if you don’t use one of the ones below
  • Aspect Ratio / Resolution – Set this to what you are using if you are not using the custom resolution
  • Field of view – This is 50.53 for Fortnite, and it represents the vertical FOV. If you are playing another game, you can find this online.


  • Go through all the weapons and make sure that Show Weapon Model is unticked. This is because it can sometimes cover the target.
  • It is also recommended to set the Recoil to 0 on the pistol since this is what you will be using on flick aiming modes.

For practicing and improving your flicking aim, one of the best modes is called “Reflex”. You can create a new preset to change the settings, including the time limit, player distance (which is recommended to be at 0 to practice your aim on the whole screen, and not just the middle), target size and the minimum and maximum spawn distance. For tracking aim, there is the “Lightning Gun” mode where a target moves around on the screen in random directions for you to try and track.

One of the most efficient methods to improve using this program is to create a new preset on the “Reflex” mode, set the time limit to 15, the player distance to 0, the target size to 250, target delay to 0.4 and the target lifetime to 0.5. Once you can hit 80% of the shots consistently, decrease the target size by 10. Once you reach size 125 and you can consistently hit almost every shot, your flicking aim is almost perfect, and you should start to focus on your tracking aim. This can be done by going to the “Lightning Gun” mode and starting at a time limit of 15, an X speed of 9, a Y speed of 1.5 and a target size of 150. Keep increasing the X and Y speed (so the slider is in the same position for each) until your accuracy is between 80-90%. If your accuracy is below that at the minimum speeds, increase the target size. Then, you can gradually decrease the target size as your tracking aim improves. is easy to get started with, it doesn’t cost anything and does not require to install anything. It only requires that you sign up for an account at their website, which is free.

It has a really nice interface and since you do not have to install anything, can be accessed from almost everywhere whenever you have time. However, you might consider only training your aim when you have your own gaming mouse available.

It supports the most popular game titles, like Fortnite, CS:GO, Overwatch, Apex Legends and PUBG. This means, that the presets to emulate the games are just a click away.

How to get started with

  • Go to
  • Click “Get Started” to create an account
  • Assess your current skill level with the 4 Skill Tests
  • Use the Skill Builder to Improve Your Aim
  • Try and achieve 3 stars in every “Skill Builder” challenge, and then try and focus on getting into the top 90% on every mode. Then, focus on being in the top 95% on all the challenges. Once you have achieved this, you can take the 4 Skill Tests again and focus on improving your weakest areas.

When you are in the aim training mode, you can press F11 (for Chrome) to Enter Fullscreen.

After you have finished testing your skill, you are presented with detailed statistics about your results and what your weaknesses are. also has a leaderboard, which can work as a motivation to practice your aim.

3D Aim Trainer

Like, 3D Aim Trainer is also free and do not require installation. Furthermore, it does not require you to sign up. The interface is a little bit more complex and not as easy to use.

  • Go to: and click “Start Training”
  • Choose either “Flick & Reflex” or “Tracking”

Select either “Tracking” or “Flick & Reflex” depending on the type of aim you want to practise and improve. Select your game and sensitivity, and you can change the game options to suit your practise.

We sometimes experienced a bug where the screen would randomly move to the side, which would make it very difficult to practice aim. Here are some settings to get you started. You should set the target amount to 1, target lifetime to 400ms and the time between spawning to 300ms, and set the target size to the maximum size possible. Then you can gradually decrease the target size once you can achieve an 80% accuracy in the previous size, until you can achieve 80% at size 2. At this point when you can consistently hit almost every shot, your flicking aim is almost perfect, and you should start to focus on your tracking aim. Here, you simply set the size to maximum and gradually increase the speed, progressing to a higher speed once you can maintain an accuracy of 80% on the previous speed.

How good aim trainers versus just playing the game

Aim trainers are mostly a niche for players that are already good at the game but can be very beneficial for even newbies.

We found that FPS aim trainers, in general, are pretty effective in improving your aim. The problem with practicing aim in-game, is that a lot of the time you are not in an active encounter with an enemy, and thus, in a situation where you are actively using your aim. If you just play the game normally without practicing, you will not see your aim get much better, because you are constantly missing shots and letting yourself learn to repeat the patterns of missing the shots. By using an aim trainer, you can set a clear goal of shooting accurately without the additions of building covers (example from Fortnite). The best part about an aim trainer is that you can repetitively practise shooting quickly and accurately at increasingly smaller targets as you improve, especially since you can start at any level by starting at a large target, and as you improve making the target smaller and increasing the accuracy of your aim. Also, you are getting continuous practice throughout the training, instead of brief moments during the game where you only get to fire a few shots in a fight, and you spend most of your time moving or in Fortnite, building. These programs give you the best opportunity to practice and improve your aim without any distractions until you can shoot so precisely you will never miss a headshot again.

In conclusions, yes aim trainers is a more effective way of improving and warming up your aim contrary to playing the game. This is why many professional players are using aim trainers nowadays.

Pros and cons of the different aim trainers

KovaaK’s FPS Aim Trainer

KovaaK’s is a very good aim trainer, despite being the most expensive out of this list. It allows you to select from many different maps and situations created by the community, each situation or scenario being created with a map and targets with custom health, movement, and even an option so the targets shoot back. You can independently change the X and Y sensitivity to match the game you are playing if you have different values, and it supports stretched resolutions. The targets have different types of strafing such as “short strafing” and “long strafing”, which alters how often it will change direction. Finally, it is very easy to track your progress with a list of your best attempts in comparison with the attempts of many other players around the world.

Despite all this, there is a limited number of maps, just over 30, and the targets sometimes can spawn outside of the viewable area if the map size is set very low.

Overall, this is definitely one of the good aim trainers out there with over 1000 scenarios created so far.

In summary.


  • Many different scenarios and situations
  • Easy to compare your results with other players around the world
  • Easy to edit existing courses and make your own
  • Independent X and Y sensitivity
  • Support for stretched resolutions
  • Realistic strafing on targets with many options
  • Easy to track your progress
  • Can be played offline


  • Limited amount of maps
  • Targets can glitch through the walls if you set the map size very low
  • One of the more expensive options
  • Can be very confusing for beginners and complex to set up
  • Requires installation

Aim Hero

Aim hero is cheaper than KovaaK’s, providing you with nine different maps for practicing both your flicking and tracking aim. You can create custom presets for each map with different settings for the size of the targets, how long they appear on the screen and limit them to spawning closer to the center of the screen, depending on the map. This aim trainer also supports custom resolutions; however, it doesn’t allow for separate X and Y sensitivities.

Overall this is a good aim trainer and only cost half of Koovak’s aim trainer. Using this aim trainer, you can improve your aim drastically although you don’t have as many options as you do in KovaaK’s.

In summary.


  • Almost half the price of KovaaK’s aim trainer
  • A good amount of maps for both flicking and tracking aim
  • Custom presets can be created
  • Supports stretched resolution
  • Can be played offline


  • Only 9 scenarios available
  • Cannot create custom scenarios
  • No independent X and Y sensitivity
  • Requires installation (Free, Online) is one of the best aim trainers currently available, and best of all – it is completely free! The website includes a large variety of training exercises for all types of aim, different exercises specializing in areas such as wrist aiming, arm aiming and reaction times. There are four assessment tasks in which you can compare how good you are against other people in the world, although you can see the comparison in all the training tasks. The progress is laid out very clearly, with clear graphs showing your accuracy when shooting in different areas of the screen, including overshooting and undershooting. The website gives you custom training and recommendations to help you improve on your weakest areas.

It is very easy to get started and calibrate the sensitivity to your in-game settings, and they support most popular FPS games. The interface is nice and intuitive.

They have not yet added a feature to customize the training, although there are so many different scenarios added that this might not even be necessary. Currently, they also don’t have support for stretched resolutions, or different X and Y sensitivities. How important that is, is up to you to judge.

Overall, this is by far the best aim trainer we tested. Not only does it include an amazing set of scenarios to practice every aspect of your aim, but it is also organized very well and tracks what areas of the screen you are missing more shots on and you can practice those shots more to become better. This is a feature that we haven’t found in any other aim trainer out there.


  • Completely free!
  • No installation required
  • A large variety of training exercises
  • Instant feedback after completing every course
  • Clearly see your progress
  • Tracks your accuracy when shooting in different areas of the screen
  • Tracks overshooting and undershooting and provides helpful graphs
  • Allows you to compare your results with the rest of the world
  • Provides training and ranked assessments
  • Very easy to get started and set up


  • You cannot create your own custom training
  • Doesn’t account for stretched resolutions
  • Doesn’t have separate X and Y sensitivities
  • Require access to internet

3D Aim Trainer (Free, Online)

This aim trainer also works in your browser; however, it is much less capable than Although it is free and it allows you to create fully custom training with many settings, the feedback is limited and only shows your accuracy and the average time to hit the targets. There are only two set scenarios to choose from, flicking and tracking, and there is sometimes a glitch which makes it almost impossible to use it (they might have fixed this by now, or it might only occur in certain browsers).


  • Completely free!
  • No installation required
  • Create fully custom training
  • Both aiming and tracking scenarios


  • Only two set scenarios
  • Very limited feedback
  • Require access to internet

The best FPS aim trainer – conclusion

In conclusion, the best aim trainer we tested is This is due to the amount of training that is available, the ease of use and the overall impression. Everything is separated into clear categories, and each of the many training exercises is unique and have a clear purpose unlike any of the other aim trainers tested. There are specific exercises for reaction time, accuracy (with all these categories: flick, wrist, arm, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, directional, precision), speed, situational (including high ground aiming, single target and peripheral vision) and finally tracking for different ranges and different difficulties.

Not only is there such a variety of exercises, but you can also compare your progress with thousands of other users, as well as their AI selecting the best exercise for you based on what shots you are missing the most and what will help you to improve your aim the fastest.

This is a very unique program, and we definitely recommend you to check it out.

Fortnite Maps for Aim Training

For those who do not have access to any of these programs or websites, for example, those who play on consoles, here are the top creative maps in Fortnite to help you improve both your aim and editing:

Aim Map, code: 1444-8820-3941

Editing Map, code: 8562-8348-9428

End Game Circle map, code: 3237-1202-9515

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