All CS:GO HUD Commands

In this CS:GO guide, we will go over all of the HUD (heads up display) console commands available in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

The HUD commands let you customize your HUD, radar, scoreboard in many different ways.

HUD stands for Heads Up Display, and it is where you as a player can see stats about your in-game character like health, armor, ammunition, radar, scoreboard and stuff like that.

Professional CS:GO players, typically use highly customized configs and settings that allow them to gain small advantages compared to the casual player. If you are unfamiliar with configs, autoexec and cfg files, it is highly recommended to read the ProSettings CS:GO config and autoexec guide. We have also made a great guide about the best practice config and console commands.

If you want to take beautiful screenshots without the HUD, you can also read on how to hide the HUD in CS:GO.

Some commands will require that sv_cheats is enabled (sv_cheats 1). Read more about sv_cheats 1 commands.

How to change the color of your HUD

cl_hud_color [number]

Replace [number] with a number between 0 and 10. Each number represents a color.

  • 0 – Default
  • 1 – White
  • 2 – Light Blue
  • 3 – Dark Blue
  • 4 – Purple
  • 5 – Red
  • 6 – Orange
  • 7 – Yellow
  • 8 – Green
  • 9 – Aqua
  • 10 – Pink
  • 11 – Dark Yellow

How to show alive players as a number or avatars

cl_hud_playercount_showcount [number]

Replace [number] with 0 or 1. The default value is 0.

  • 0 – display alive players as their Steam avatars
  • 1 – display only the number of players alive

How to display FPS (frames per second) counter

cl_showfps [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 0.

  • 0 – turn the FPS counter OFF
  • 1 – turn the FPS counter ON

The tracker will appear in the top left corner of your screen.

Move scoreboard and player count menu in your HUD

cl_hud_playercount_pos [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 0.

  • 0 – move scoreboard and player count to the bottom of your screen
  • 1 – move scoreboard and player count to the top your screen

Enable or disable the net graph display

Net graph display shows various information like your FPS, ping and other client variables.

net_graph [number]

Replace [number] with a number between 0 and 3. The default value is 0.

  • 0 – disable net graph display
  • 1 – enable net graph display

Display names and equipment of your teammates


This command will display the names and equipment of your teammates above their heads.


This command disables the +cl_show_team_equipment command. Names and equipment of your teammates will not be displayed above their heads anymore.

Display the team ID of your teammates

This command will display team ID of your teammates above their heads. Requires sv_cheats 1.

cl_teamid_overhead_mode [number]

Replace [number] with a number  1 or 2. The default value is 2.

  • 1 – Show pips
  • 2 – Show pips, name, and equipment

Choose when to display team ID

cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0, 1 or -1. The default value is 0.

  • -1: never show team ID
  • 0: show team ID when HUD is displayed
  • 1: always show team ID (even when HUD is disabled)

Select at what distance you can see team ID

This command allows to choose at what distance team ID above teammates’ heads will be seen if cl_teamid_overhead command was used. Requires sv_cheats 1.

cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist [number]

Replace [number] with a number that indicates the desired distance. The default value is  3000.

Select at what distance you can see team ID (for spectators and observers)

cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec [number]

Replace [number] with a number that indicates the desired distance. The default value is  2000. Requires sv_cheats 1.

Select how your health and ammo will be displayed

cl_hud_healthammo_style [number]

Replace [number] with a number between 0 or 1. The default value is 0.

  • 0 – show you health and ammo as numbers (for example, 60 health)
  • 1 – show your health and ammo as numbers and a bar indicator

Show teammates as different colors on the radar (competitive only)

cl_teammate_colors_show [number]

Replace [number] with a number of 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – OFF: do not show teammates as different colors on the scoreboard and radar in competitive mode
  • 1 – ON: show teammates as different colors on the scoreboard and on the radar in competitive mode

Display the scoreboard



These command will display the scoreboard. It acts in the same way as holding TAB but stays on your screen permanently until you toggle it off again.



These command disable the previous commands. Scoreboard will not be displayed on your screen permanently anymore.

Adjust HUD transparency

cl_hud_background_alpha [number]

Replace [number] with a number between 0 and 1. The default value is 0.5. A larger number will increase the visibility of HUD shading (make it less transparent).

Include image of a bomb under radar

If turned on, this command will include an image of a bomb under your radar if you are carrying the bomb.

cl_hud_bomb_under_radar [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – do not show the bomb image under the radar
  • 1 – show the bomb image under the radar

Hide or unhide the HUD

cl_drawhud [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 1. This command requires sv_cheats 1.

  • 0 – do not show / hide the HUD / disable the HUD
  • 1 – show / enable HUD

Reset HUD to default


This will reset the HUD to the default HUD settings.

Show the overview map

The overview map is the map that is shown when you are spectating.


To hide the overview map use hideoverviewmap.

Fade screen from black

fadein [number]

Replace [number] with a number of seconds that that you want the fade in to last for. The default value is 2 (meaning that the default fade in lasts 2 seconds). Requires sv_cheats 1.

Fade screen to black

fadeout [number]

Replace [number] with a number of seconds that that you want the fade out to last for. The default value is 2 (meaning that the default fade out lasts 2 seconds). Type fadein in console to remove black screen again. Requires sv_cheats 1.

Show/hide game UI


This command activates the game UI (pause menu).


This command hides the game UI (pause menu) if open.

Hide the console


This command will hide the console. To show it again press the console key.

Hide the HUD

hidehud [number]

Replace [number] with 0, 1 or -1. The default value is 0. Requires sv_cheats 1.

  • 0: show HUD including radar and equipment
  • 1: hide the equipment from the HUD (rifle, pistol, bomb) in the right side of the screen
  • -1: completely disables the HUD, hides the radar and equipment

Hide viewport panel

hidepanel [Viewport Panel Name]

Replace [Viewport Panel Name] with the name of viewport panel you want to hide.

Reload HUD


This command reloads your HUD and applies all the changes you made to the HUD config.

Change HUD size

hud_scaling [number]

Replace [number] with a number between 0.5 and 0.95. The default value is 0.85. A larger number represents a larger HUD size.

Hide or show enemy names when you target them

hud_showtargetid [number]

Replace [number] with 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – do not show enemy names when you target them
  • 1 – show enemy names when you target them

Display subtitles

hud_subtitles [file]

Replace [file] with the name of the file with subtitles.

Take screenshots at the end of a match

Auto-save a screenshots at the end of a match while the scoreboard is shown.

hud_takesshots [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 0.

  • 0 – do not take and auto-save screenshots at the end of a match
  • 1 – take screenshots at the end of a match

Change position of the net graph display (up or down)

net_graphheight [number]

Replace [number] with the desired number of pixels the net graph display should be positioned from the bottom of the screen. The default value is 64. The higher value, the higher will net_graph be displayed on your HUD.

Change the position of net graph display (left or right)

net_graphpos [number]

Replace [number] with a number. The default value is 1. The number represents the pixels the net_graph should be positioned from the left side of the screen.

  • 0: the net graph display will appear on the left side of the screen
  • 1: the net graph display will appear on the right side of the screen
  • 2: the net graph display will appear in the middle of the screen
  • 3-600: Pixels from the left side of the screen

Change the number of seconds that the latency graph represents

net_graphmsecs [number]

[number] represents milliseconds (1000 milliseconds = 1 second). The default value is 400.

Disable proportional net graph font

net_graphproportionalfont [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – disable proportional font
  • 1 – enable proportional font

Show/hide interpolation in net graph

net_graphshowinterp [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – hide interpolation
  • 1 – show interpolation

Show/hide latency in net graph

net_graphshowlatency [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – hide latency
  • 1 – show latency

Show/hide the server framerate graph

net_graphshowsvframerate [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 0.

  • 0 – hide sv framerate graph
  • 1 – show sv framerate graph

Disable solid net graph

net_graphsolid [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – make net graph not solid
  • 1 – make net graph solid

Do not show texts in net graph

Disable or enable text in net_graph.

net_graphtext [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – do not show texts in net graph
  • 1 – show texts in net graph

Open the console


Used for binds, toggle console on.

Show death notices

cl_drawhud_force_deathnotices [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0, 1 or -1. The default value is 0.

  • -1: never show death notices
  • 0: show death notices when HUD is displayed
  • 1: always show death notices

Move players’ info to the opposite side of the screen for spectators

cl_spec_swapplayersides [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 0.

  • 0: Do not switch side
  • 1: Set player names and team names to the opposite side

Change the scale of overview icons

This command changes the scale of the icons on the overview map.

mapoverview_icon_scale [number]

Replace [number] with a number between 0.5 and 3. The default value is 1. If you replace [number]  with 3, then icons will be 3x of the default size.

Display model names

r_drawmodelnames [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 0.

  • 0 – do not show model names
  • 1 – show model names

Beware, this command might crash your client!

Disable debug overlays

enable_debug_overlays [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 1. Requires sv_cheats 1.

  • 0 – disable debug overlays
  • 1 – enable debug overlays

Radar Commands – Optimize Radar Settings

With these commands you can completely customize and optimize your HUD radar settings in CS:GO.

Change the radar size in the HUD

cl_hud_radar_scale [number]

Replace [number] with a number between 0.8 and 1.3. The default value is 1. A larger number represents a larger radar size.

Adjust the scale of your radar (zoom in/zoom out)

cl_radar_scale [number]

Replace [number] with a number between 0.25 and 1.  The default value is 0.7. A smaller number will make a radar appear zoomed out. A larger number will make a radar appear zoomed in.

We recommend a value of 0.3, as this will enable you to see the whole map on the radar on most maps.

Center the radar to your location

cl_radar_always_centered [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – stop centering the radar to your location
  • 1 – center the radar to your location

We recommend to set this to 0. This is so that you are able to have a complete overview of the map on the radar.

Rotate the radar as you turn

cl_radar_rotate [number]

Replace [number] with a number 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – turn off radar rotation
  • 1 – turn on radar rotation

Change the size of the radar icons

cl_radar_icon_scale_min [number]

Replace [number] with a number between 0.4 and 1.25. The default value is 0.6. A larger number represents a larger icon size.

Change shape of the radar when the scoreboard is open

cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard [number]

Replace [number] with 0 or 1. The default value is 1.

  • 0 – your radar will not change when you open the scoreboard
  • 1 – makes your radar appear as a big square when you open the scoreboard

Hide radar / choose when to display radar

cl_drawhud_force_radar [number]

Replace [number] with -1, 0 or 1. The default value is 0.

  • -1: hide radar
  • 0: show the radar
  • 1: show the radar, even if HUD is disabled

Best CS:GO Radar Settings

We believe that these are the best radar settings for CS:GO. The reason is, that these settings will let you see the whole map at once. This way, you will always know the location of your teammates, and the last position that enemies where spotted (this will be marked as a red question mark on the radar). This information is very useful, especially when you get up in higher ranks.

We hope that this guide has helped you understand the HUD commands better and given you a better understanding of how to customize the HUD in CS:GO as well as the radar.

Other Guides

All CS:GO Give Commands
CS:GO Hacks & Cheats with SV_Cheats 1
How to Activate Developer Console in CS:GO
How to disable and mute radio commands in CS:GO
CS:GO How To Hide the HUD Overlay

Professional Players

Mongolia Machinegun Enkhtaivan Lkhagva K/D ratio: 1.12 Rating: 1.11
Finland SAGGERTON Saku Jokinen K/D ratio: 0.98 Rating: 0.99
Canada Uber Michael Stapells K/D ratio: 0.96 Rating: 0.96
Bulgaria v1c7oR Viktor Dyankov K/D ratio: 1.11 Rating: 1.08
Brazil spacca Guilherme Spacca K/D ratio: 1.04 Rating: 0.99