Fortnite Custom Games

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In this guide, we will go over the concept of Fortnite customs and explain how to get into custom games, sometimes also called private games, custom scrims, custom servers or custom matchmaking games. EPIC Games recently started to experiment with custom games for the pop-up cup. Here you could see popular streamers and professional Fortnite players like Tfue and 72hrs play in so-called custom games against other pro players. Custom games are very similar to scrims & pro scrims, or scrim games in Fortnite, but there are some important differences.

Fortnite Custom Games

What are custom games?

When you normally play Battle Royale, you will load into a game and get matched with random people. In custom games, only people with the same custom matchmaking key will load into the game. This way, it is much easier for professional players, or normal players for that matter, to play on the same server. This can be used for many different things, for example, to play custom scrims, or custom pro scrims, or to run custom tournaments. Without a custom matchmaking key, players in Fortnite have no way of being 100% sure they get into the same lobby. In the past, EPIC games have only handed out a few custom keys, but it seems that they are now experimenting more with the concept.

As for game modes, there are solo custom games, duo custom games, and squad custom games.

How do I get into custom games?

As of right now, it does not seem like there is a way to get into custom games or get a custom matchmaking key yourself. Most of the community hope that larger Discord servers, and communities, streamers and so on will be able to get custom kays in the future.

Right now, only professional players have been invited to participate in custom games. But as mentioned, we could see a huge potential for custom keys to make custom scrims and custom tournaments in Fortnite.

In the meantime, you can start out by joining some of the big Fortnite scrim Discord servers. There is a possibility that these servers will be hosting custom games in the future when EPIC games release more custom keys to the public.

See our list of Fornite scrim Discord servers or check out scrims.NET.

Discord Servers

We have written a separate guide on Fortnite Custom Scrim Discord servers.

Join the Fortnite Custom Scrim Discord


Other Guides

Fortnite Looking For Group Discord
ProSettings Discords
Fortnite Custom Matchmaking Key
Fortnite Customs
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Professional Players

United States of America CDNThe3rd Caesar David Noriega
United States of America summit1g Jaryd Lazar
Italy POW3R Giorgio Calandrelli K/D ratio: 9.99 Win rate: 32.05%
United States of America Nate Hill Nate Hill K/D ratio: 6.49 Win rate: 25.36%
France Robi Maxime Dambrine K/D ratio: 6.49 Win rate: 25.36%