ProSettings Discords

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The ProSettings Network & Discord Server Network expands over multiple Discord servers. On this page, you will find a complete list of all the Discord servers we are involved with or have partnered with in some way.

All the Discord servers have one thing in common – they are related to gaming and esports. They cover all kinds of topics within gaming; Fortnite, scrims, custom games, creative servers, CS:GO, Apex Legends, Looking-for-group (LFG) Discords, general gaming, and professional esports organizations.

ProSettings Discord Server List

NameTopicApprox. Member countLink
ProSettings.comOur official Discord for the ProSettings website – Tips & Tricks, Guides, gaming, and esports in general+15,000Join Discord server
Fortnite LFG – Looking For GroupLooking for group, looking to play, looking for friends, looking for gamers or looking for players to play against. Find people to play with or against. Fortnite boxfights, 1v1, 2v2 and so on.+10,000Join Discord server
YoGamingGaming & Esports in general – Fortnite, Save the World, CS:GO, Apex Legends, Looking for a group (LFG)+60,000Join Discord server
1Tap EsportsProfessional gaming organization/clan/team+15,000Join Discord server
CS:GO ProCS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive), competitive CS:GO, trading, looking-for-group, looking for teammates+10,000Join Discord server
Minecraft HubMinecraft community Discord server+1,500Join Discord server
Apex Legends HubApex Legends & Apex Legends Scrims+10,000Join Discord server
Fortnite Creative GamesFortnite Zone Wars, Turtle Wars and other creative games for competitive players+25,000Join Discord server
Fortnite TournamentsFortnite Tournaments with cash prizes+50,000Join Discord server
Fortnite NA PC Scrims & SnipesPC+70,000Join Discord server
Fortnite EU PC Scrims & SnipesPC+50,000Join Discord server
Fortnite OCE PC Scrims & SnipesPC+15,000Join Discord server
Fortnite Console Scrims & SnipesXbox + PlayStation+100,000Join Discord server
ProSettings Scrims & CustomsFortnite Scrims and Custom Games+250,000Join Discord server

Other Guides

The Ultimate Guide to Weapons in Apex Legends
How to Play Stretched Resolution in Apex Legends
Apex Legends In-Game FPS Counter
Apex Legends: Remove FPS Cap and Increase Frame Rates
Apex Legends Scrims & Pro Scrims

Professional Players

United States of America Skadoodle Tyler Latham
Mendokusaii Lucas Håkansson
Canada xQc Félix Lengyel
United States of America Seagull Brandon Larned
United States of America CouRage Jack Dunlop