On this page, you will find settings from popular Twitch streamers, YouTubers and streamers in general. We have collected the latest settings, best gaming gear and sensitivity used by popular Twitch streamers and competitive pro players. Our comprehensive database and list include various streamers mouse settings, resolution, keybindings, crosshair, configs, DPI as well as video & graphics settings. Besides this, we have also collected the players’ hardware setups including which monitor, chair, mousepad, keyboard, headset and gaming mouse they use.
Counter-Strike Global Offensive Streamers
jasonR Jason Ruchelski K/D ratio: 0.89 Rating: 0.9
TenZ Tyson Ngo K/D ratio: 1.06 Rating: 1.13
Shroud Mike Grzesiek K/D ratio: 1.12 Rating: 1.07
D0cC Shuaib Ahmad
summit1g Jaryd Lazar K/D ratio: 1 Rating: 0.99
s0m Sam Oh K/D ratio: 0.97 Rating: 1.03 Fortnite Streamers
Tfue Turner Tenney
Ninja Tyler Blevins
Myth Ali Kabbani
H1ghsky1 Patrick
SypherPK Ali Hassan
Pokimane Imane
JasonR Jason Ruchelski
DrLupo Benjamin Lupo
dakotaz Brett Hoffman
LOLiTO FDEZ Manuel Fernandez Overwatch Streamers
DSPStanky Apex Legends Streamers
dakotaz Brett Hoffman
DrDisRespect Guy Beahm
LIRIK Saqib Zahid
Shroud Michael Grzesiek
KingRichard Richard Nelson
Mendokusaii Lucas Håkansson
Gotaga Corentin Houssein
TimTheTatman Timothy John Betar
Daequan Daequan Loco
DrLupo Benjamin Lupo VALORANT Streamers
Shroud Michael Grzesiek
xQc Félix Lengyel
DrDisRespect Guy Beahm
Seagull Brandon Larned
Tfue Turner Tenney
TimTheTatman Timothy John Betar
Ninja Tyler Blevins
summit1g Jaryd Lazar Realm Royale Streamers
JoshOG Josh Beaver
summit1g Jaryd Lazar
Shroud Michael Grzesiek
dafran Daniel Francesca
Ninja Richard Tyler Blevins
TimTheTatman Timothy John Betar
DrLupo Benjamin Lupo Splitgate Streamers
summit1g Jaryd Lazar
xQc Félix Lengyel
Shroud Michael Grzesiek
DrDisRespect Guy Beahm League of Legends Streamers
Tyler1 Tyler Steinkamp