Tfue’s Fortnite Discord Scrims Server – Peencord Tfault Scrims

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After getting tired of previous pro Fortnite scrim Discord servers and their rules, professional Fortnite player and FaZe member, Turner “Tfue” Tenney (aka. Not Tfue) has created his own Discord server hosting Fortnite scrims and pro scrims. The Discord is called Peencord (#Peencord) and is hosting scrims and snipes (Peen scrims) on various occasions. There are solo scrims, duo scrims, and squad scrims (solo snipes, duo snipes & squad snipes).

Tfault Scrims / Peencord / Peen Scrims Rules

These are the official rule found in the Peencord:

1. Default Skins Only (even if you’re a pro player) – No wearing skins like Assault Trooper even though they look like default skins.
2. Don’t storm push and don’t take stupid fights.
3. Streamer Mode Enabled if you have TTV/YT/Twitch/YouTube in your in-game name – Streamer mode prevents people from going to your stream and being toxic and ruining your day.
4. No Stream Sniping. Don’t open up a stream to try and get someone’s location. Not even to check if Tfue is in your game.
5. Your teammate MUST be a subscriber of either Tfue or Cloakzy and be in this Discord.
6. If your teammate is banned for breaking the rules, you must find a new teammate.

This is the explanation behind the rules:

Default skins only because it allows scrim players to know who is a scrim player and who is not. Wearing a skin may give you an unfair advantage since scrim players may think you’re a bot and try to push you.
Don’t storm push or take stupid fights because we are trying to replicate scrims that are played at the highest of levels and therefore no player in a skirmish would try to push you when the zone is across the map or go out of their way on a free rotation to try and secure kills when they’re not in the zone. If you have any self-promotion in your IGN then you must have Streamer Mode On no matter what. Streamer mode also prevents toxic people going to your stream and ruining your day. Note: We have no control over the toxic users that may end up in your stream. No one likes Stream Snipers, it’s not funny, it’s not cool, and an organization won’t notice you just because you kill a big streamer like Tfue. Stream sniping generally ends up with toxic people that we have no control over being toxic towards you. If you really want to get noticed in a positive manner then win these scrims fairly and consistently!

How to join Tfue’s Discord – Peencord

The only way to join the Tfault Scrims, or Peencord, is through Tfue’s Twitch channel. The scrims are only in NA (North America) and on PC. Console players and players from other places in the world will not be able to join the scrims (unless they change their region). You can join by getting a private invite from Tfue himself, one of his mods or by subscribing to his channel or to a few other streamers Twitch channel. Please see the Tfault scrims guide, for a list of streamers you can subscribe to in order to join.

If you still want to join scrims, we have made a list of other active Fortnite scrim Discord servers below, all of them are free to join and there are servers for every need. This includes players on PC, Xbox, PlayStation and from different regions (Europe, North America, and Oceania). Join the server you like and make sure to read the rules and the instructions.

Fortnite NA PC Scrims & SnipesPCNorth America (NA East, NA West)NoneJoin Discord server
Fortnite EU PC Scrims & SnipesPCEuropeNoneJoin Discord server
Fortnite Console Scrims & SnipesXbox + PlayStationNorth America, Europe, OceaniaNoneJoin Discord server
Fortnite OCE PC Scrims & SnipesPCOceaniaNoneJoin Discord server
ProSettings DiscordAllAllNoneJoin Discord server
YoGaming DiscordAllAllNoneJoin Discord server

What are Fortnite scrims?

Scrim stands for “scrimmage” and is a way for competitive players to practice against each other. In Fortnite, custom matchmaking keys are not yet handed out on a regular basis, so the way pro’s gather in the same servers is by doing what is called snipes (works the same way as stream sniping). Simply put, it works by people queuing up for games at the same time and then hoping to get into the same game lobbies.

Who can you expect to see in the server/scrims?

All kind of players are in the scrims, pro players like Cloakzy, Jaomock and Liquid Chap, Symfuhny, etc., but also regular people and competitive players are in the scrims. There is no guarantee to play against pro players, it all depends on luck on getting into the right lobbies.

Other Guides

Fortnite Looking For Group Discord
ProSettings Discords
Fortnite Custom Matchmaking Key
Fortnite Customs
How to Play Stretched Resolution in Fortnite

Professional Players

United States of America VapeJesus Jessi Rodriguez
United Kingdom Pamdy James Haynes K/D ratio: 2.90 Win rate: 14.23%
Canada pupper Sheldon D. K/D ratio: 2.90 Win rate: 14.23%
Denmark Jarl Christoffer Jensen K/D ratio: 7.77 Win rate: 36.52%
United States of America KP5ive Kevin K/D ratio: 7.77 Win rate: 36.52%